Copyright © 2019 Oralift Academy | All Rights Reserved Oralift Ltd.
Registered in England. Company Number: 04518859.
Welcome to the Oralift Academy!
Oralift Facial Rejuvenation is a natural effective treatment designed to address and delay the signs of facial ageing. Nowadays dentists are asked by their patients to recommend treatments for the face not just teeth. Improving facial aesthetics need not be confined to Botox and fillers. Oralift rejuvenation is achieved simply by wearing an appliance in the mouth for short periods.
If you want to take part in a new and exciting way to address the signs of facial ageing we invite you to become an Oralift practitioner.

To become a member all you have to do is register. We will ask for your professional qualifications, where and when you qualified and your registration number. Once you have registered, you can visit the professional online store.
When you purchase your first kit, you can start doing Oralift treatment and to help you, we have provided an online course, which attracts 12 CPD points. When you have completed it, your details will go into our pool of professionals whose contact details are given to those looking for an Oralift practitioner.
Oralift was placed in the top three non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments in a recent Daily Telegraph article.
“I believe Oralift could be the missing link in the facial aging puzzle, because it is designed to address all aspects of facial aging. It can also help patients stop parafunctioning. The Oralift appliance is revolutionary because it is worn for very short periods and never at night.” Oralift Pioneer
It is frequently stated that it takes an average of 17 years for research evidence to reach clinical practice.
The answer is 17 years, what is the question: understanding time lags in translational research Zoë Slote Morris,1 Steven Wooding,2 and Jonathan Grant,2
Innovative treatment undeniably needs to be put on a sound scientific basis but surely with the aid of modern technology we should be able to reduce the time to make it generally available.
1996 – Dentalfacelift for patients with dentures Br Dent J. 1996 May 11;180(9):344-8. A preliminary report on the determination of the vertical dimension of occlusion using the principle of the mandibular position in swallowing. Mohindra NK.
2002 – Dentalfacelift for patients with or without dentures. Br Dent J. 192, 164 – 168 (2002) The effect of increasing vertical dimension of occlusion on facial aesthetics N K Mohindra,1 & J S Bulman,2
2018 – A Mini Review of Using the Oralift Appliance and a Pilot Study to See if 3D Imaging Techniques Could Improve Outcomes Open Dentistry Journal link. Open Dent J. 2018; 12: 283–295

“During the 2 day course Dr. Mohindra demonstrates an abundance of cases which show a remarkable facial improvement as a result of the treatment he has pioneered. His results are breath-taking as they go beyond the boundaries of the intra-oral field we are familiar with yet are subtle enough to look natural.”
– Maarten Tonsbeek
“This fascinating course is of interest to any dentist wishing to help their patients look better. Dr Mohindra gives an overview of facial aesthetics and how we age. Through an appreciation of dental techniques, particularly his Ora-lift appliance, he demonstrates how we can bring about a radical improvement in muscle tone and facial appearance. After listening to him you can never again look at patients without thinking what improvements could be made both inside and outside the mouth.“
– Pam Coates
“Nick is passionate about dentistry and his non dental face lift , the Oralift. He is visionary in his thinking and teaches this subject to other dentists. The results are impressive and totally non invasive”.
– David Bloom , former president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentists
“Dr. Mohindra is a person who has transformed regular dentistry into a form of art. He understood that in addition to dental treatment, he could improve the look of the face through Oralift Facial Rejuvenation with specific steps that apparently seem easy, but that require intuition professionalism and passion.”
– Daniela Soave, pioneira na prática do Oralift
“I really appreciated the explanations about the exact goal of the tick test, the factors involved in the ageing process, the role of the freeway space in the rejuvenating process, the importance of photos, and the Oralift applications beside anti ageing effects.”
– Course participant from Brazil
“The course was well organised and structured and has enabled me to feel confident about providing Oralift treatment for my patients .”
– Course participant from Switzerland.
“The course was simple to do and covered every possible aspect of Oralift, and makes me understand why Oralift is a truly anti ageing treatment, and how patients can look so good ten years after they started Oralift. Definitely the treatment of the future.”
– Course participant from Brazil.
“I believe that no user or promoter of the appliance accessing or using the material could be disappointed with it. Congratulations on producing an excellent and ground-breaking development which I believe will help propel the use and knowledge of the system to new levels.”
– Dr. David Houston from Houston Smile & Face, England, member of Editorial Board of Private Dentistry, voted second most influential dentist in the UK -Dentistry magazine.