Oralift Course for Dentists
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Note: You must not modify, copy, reproduce, upload, post, transmit or distribute by any means or in any manner whatsoever, any material or information or
This course has been designed specifically for dentists, providing an in depth overview of Oralift treatment. You will be shown: how to fit the device, how to monitor progress, what to expect from the results, the scientific background of Oralift and how to help you market Oralift treatment in your clinics.
This course will give dentists 12 CPD points. Please note that we are now using boiling water instead of a microwave to heat the devices ( although both methods can be used), and we now use the term “touch-test” instead of “tick-test”. Additionally, as we now have a new mobile App, whereas in the course the references are to the old App.
We do recommend that dentists also do the more general course, as this contains the new videos.
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We would advise any professional to take this course as it provides an overview of all aspects of Oralift treatment : how to fit the device, how to monitor progress and what to expect from the results of Oralift.
Unlike the course for dentists, this course does not provide any CPD points. The videos in this course are also available on the new App.
We highly recommend this course to give you a better understanding of the interface the user will have.
Completion of either course and feedback, entitles you to go on our list of certified Oralift professionals available to those seeking a trained professional in their area.
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Registered in England. Company Number: 04518859.